1) Automatic captioning 实时生成字幕2) Post-editing transcription 后期编辑3) Digital Assent Management 数字资产管理4) Accessibility Solutions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing 对听力障碍者友好3. 自然语言理解 (Natural Language Understanding NLU) 具体实例:
We should meet tomorrow at the booth at 2 pm. Step 1: Named Entity Recognition
We (person) should meet tomorrow (date) at the booth (location) at 2 pm (time). Step 2: Intent Classification
We (person) should (modifier) meet (action) tomorrow (date) at the booth (location) at 2 pm (time). Step 3: Inverse Text Normalization
We (person) should (modifier) meet (action) tomorrow (date) at the booth (location) at 2 pm (time—13:00:00 UTC). Step 4: ReasoningStep 5: Dialog
We should meet tomorrow at the booth at 2 pm.
How about Tuesday?
Step 6: Knowledge Graph
How about Tuesday? (Tuesday=Nov.21)
Step 7: Sentiment Analysis
We should meet tomorrow at the booth at 2 pm.
How about Tuesday?
You know that’s not possible! (sentiment: negative)
1. 导入音频/智能硬件:来自手机文件的音频连接录音笔使用(有免费的转写权益)
2. 悬浮字幕3. 转文字(付费/录音笔免费):支持多语种、多个说话人、转写后编辑
注:科大讯飞转写准确度也有待加强,在上下文语境充分的情况下,也会出现“识别错误”“语法错误”等基础错误。如图中的:COVID-19被识别成了Covey 19;If compared to the developed countries around the world被转写成了It compared to the developed countries