
标题: 人工智能 #英汉双语 [打印本页]

作者: q3612972239    时间: 2022-9-19 23:14
标题: 人工智能 #英汉双语

As the living standard is getting higher and higher, a lot of artificial intelligence appears in our life, help us handle with things. For example, electronic payment, scanning code travel, video call and so on, which makes our life more convenient. But has it ever occured to you that live like this? Or has it ever dawned on you that the future of life where artificial intelligence is going to be?

Have you ever considered when the machine with you every day of life data, even your bank account, listening to the sound of you every day, know everything about you, know your whole person thoroughly? Then, whether can directly transform voice, imitate the tone of your, Make the decisions you would make to become someone you're not?

It's scary to think about, but it's possible. And we can't avoid being involved.

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