现在两个模型都在 MLServer 上运行,我们可以使用测试集中的样本来验证每个模型的准确性。
import pandas as pdimport requestsimport json#Import the test data and split the data from the labelstest = pd.read_csv('./data/fashion-mnist_test.csv', header=0)y_test = test['label']X_test = test.drop(['label'],axis=1)#Build the inference requestinference_request = { "inputs": [ { "name": "predict", "shape": X_test.shape, "datatype": "FP64", "data": X_test.values.tolist() } ]}#Send the prediction request to the relevant model, compare responses to training labels and calculate accuracydef infer(model_name, version): endpoint = f"http://localhost:8080/v2/models/{model_name}/versions/{version}/infer" response = requests.post(endpoint, json=inference_request) #calculate accuracy correct = 0 for i, prediction in enumerate(json.loads(response.text)['outputs'][0]['data']): if y_test == prediction: correct += 1 accuracy = correct / len(y_test) print(f'Model Accuracy for {model_name}: {accuracy}')infer("fashion-xgboost", "v1")infer("fashion-sklearn", "v1")结果表明,XGBoost 模型略微优于 SVM scikit-learn 模型:
Model Accuracy for fashion-xgboost: 0.8953Model Accuracy for fashion-sklearn: 0.8641.2.总结